UTS Alumni promote UTS-Online

A new and exciting era has arrived at UTS with the unveiling of two online courses set to debut in October. This gives anyone who is unable to attend classes at a UTS’ campus the opportunity to take full advantage of a UTS education no matter where you live or work.
Dr. Ki Hoon Kim (UTS’96), Continental Director for FFWPU in North America and a UTS trustee, introduces UTS-Online to the Leadership Assembly in Korea.
UTS alumni throughout North America are responding to this new initiative, reaching out to their local communities and their contacts to spread the word about distance education with UTS. Many have requested multiple copies of the UTS-Online brochure to distribute.
Dr. Tyler Hendricks (UTS’78), former President of the Unification Church, USA, former President of UTS, and founder of True Parents Way, will be teaching the course Unification Apologetics in Practical Contexts. Apologetics is the discipline of defending or proving the truth of religious doctrines. Students will learn, “how to share historically-based, Principled responses, both personally and publicly, and the heart of God with which to do so.”
The second course, Divine Principle in Depth, will be taught by Dr. Andrew Wilson (UTS’78), author and an editor of World Scripture, Chambumo Gyeong, True Family Values and Exposition of the Divine Principle. Dr. Wilson, with his wealth of knowledge, brings new perspectives and insights to the scriptures.
These courses are especially helpful to anyone in a leadership or pastoral position within the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU). If you wish to pursue further advanced studies, the courses can also lead to a UTS Master’s degree.
Larry Krishnek (UTS’93), who is a regional counselor for the FFWPU in the Northwest, was quick to sign up to take the online courses and explains why:
I particularly admire the work that Dr. Hendricks is doing to clarify the mission of Father and Mother Moon. His Victorious Gospel of True Parents videos were a great resource for helping cut through the fog of doubt and the lack of clarity that have descended in the last couple of years. As a couselor, I meet with many people who are faithful but are unsettled and unsure. I am sure that this class will provide me with resources to provide good support for our brothers and sisters.”Larry Krishnek (UTS’93), Regional Counselor FFWPU-USA
UTS-Online introductory courses are 3-credits each. The normal cost for a 3-credit course at UTS is $1,500 ($500 per credit), but to celebrate the launch of UTS-Online a $1,000 scholarship per course is being offered. This reduces the cost from $1,500 to $500 for each course. (Additional one-time registration fees of total $105)
The application deadline is Friday October 6th, 2017, with the courses set to begin on Monday October 16th, 2017. So, if you wish to register for UTS-Online then get started by completing the Non-degree application form here: https://uts.edu/online.
All credits earned via UTS-Online can subsequently be applied toward your chosen degree program at UTS.