Unificationism in a time of Discord

The thirteenth annual forum of UTS alumni in the UK was held in Bonsall, in the midst of the beautiful Derbyshire Peak District on May 28th 2016, under the theme “Unificationism in a time of discord”.
Despite being a relatively small group of twelve UTS alumni and friends involved in the discussions, a significant depth was reached in dealing with this theme.
Ranging from a meditative consideration of the significance of the story of Lohengrin as portrayed in Wagner’s opera to a practical report on mission work in Birmingham, the papers and the ensuing discussions were both stimulating and enlightening. The schedule was well structured, with a healthy break in the middle for a wonderful lunch and a walk through the countryside, keeping us fully engaged in mind and body.
The full list of papers was as follows:
- Unificationism at a Time of Discord: the ever-changing narrative
- Lessons about Division from the History of Religion: conflicts within spiritual communities close to their inception
- Walking the path of repetition
- Of Kings and Constitutions: Demythologising the Political Aspirations of Cheon Il Guk
- Unificationism in an evolutionary context
- Richard Wagner’s opera “Lohengrin” and a messianic ideal of the true parents
- Unforeseen Consequences and the Ripple Effect – ministry report from Birmingham
- The Foundations of the Moral Order
Several of these articles will appear in the coming weeks in the www.utsalumni.org newsletter, the Cornerstone.