Towards a Hyo Jeong Philosophy of Art

The Journal of Unification Studies is a forum for committed engagement with Unification theology and practice, published annually by the Unification Theological Seminary.
Its articles address concerns of the theological community and the professional ministry, as well as contemporary social, cultural, political, scientific and economic issues, from a Unificationist perspective.
In addition, the Journal promotes dialogue and understanding by presenting papers from diverse viewpoints that engage Unification theology and practice.
In his article Towards a Hyo Jeong Philosophy of Art, published in the Journal of Unification Studies, 2017, Dr. David Eaton expresses the need for artists of all types to combine the ideals of “truth, beauty and goodness” as necessary elements to bring the performer and the audience into a higher spiritual plane, thereby elevating everyone into a more harmonious relationship with the Divine.
(The Meaning of Hyo Jeong on
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 18, 2017 – Pages 157-170
I have always believed that art and creativity are among God’s greatest gifts to humanity. When I founded the Little Angels Art School in Korea, I gave the school a motto: “The Three Love Principle: Love God, Love Mankind and Love Your Country.” Through the arts we can communicate true love to the world. Music, art and dance are the expressions of the soul. The world of the arts must exist in the world of God as supreme and spiritual. It has been my hope that artists could embrace the ideal of art for humanity and beauty for earth. Art is like a flower for man’s mind. It blossoms and permeates throughout our lives and society. It has the ability to connect people together through their hearts.[1] |
This quote by the Unification movement founder, Rev. Sun Myung Moon at the time of his establishing the Sun Hwa Art School in Korea and its resident performing arts troupe, The Little Angels, epitomized his commitment to realizing a culture of peace by utilizing human creativity in its most exalted form. Because the paradigm of Beauty, Truth and Goodness is central to his teachings, he viewed it as imperative for artists, as co-creators with our Heavenly Parent, to understand the moral power of the arts and make choices in their creative endeavours that were in accord with the Divine Principle. For Rev. Moon, “art for humanity and beauty for earth” was more than a poetic aphorism; it was a credo that altruistic artists should embrace with alacrity.
David Eaton, is the recipient of an Honorary Doctoral degree from UTS. He has been the music director of the New York City Symphony since 1985. As a guest conductor and composer he has performed his compositions and arrangements with orchestras in the United States, Europe, Asia, Canada, Israel, Central and South America, Russia and Ukraine. In 2016 he was appointed as the Chairman of the Hyo Jeong Music Committee in Korea.