Solving Unsolvable Problems

The Applied Unificationism Blog was founded on May 1, 2013, hosted by Unification Theological Seminary. Its purpose is to explore the application of Unificationism to the wider world, and also occasionally posts significant articles on theology. It generally posts a new commentary article every Monday, as well as occasional film reviews. The AU Blog is broadly read by Unificationists – and non-Unificationists — in the U.S., Europe, Korea, Japan and 200 countries around the world.
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon addresses the Asia Pacific Summit 2018 in Kathmandu, Nepal, on Dec. 1.
This recent article by Dr. Robert Kittel (UTS’94) is being republished in UTS News with permission. Dr. Kittel explores the commitment of True Mother (as Unificationists call Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, wife of the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon; and together with him a co-founder of UTS). Dr. Kittel describes her as the first woman in history to proclaim on the global stage that she is God’s only begotten daughter and that her investment of financial and human resources to proclaim this is unparalleled. In addition, that at her advanced age of 76 and as a mother and a grandmother many times over, True Mother is traveling around the world offering a solution to the most serious social problems of our time. In declaring her daughtership to God, Kittel explains that she is opening up liberation for all women. At the same time, she is educating all men. In essence, she is asking all of us to change our attitudes towards ourselves and, especially, attitudes about women. Both men and women need to understand the true identity of women as the daughters of God.
Applied Unification Blog January 14, 2019
True Mother (as Unificationists call Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, wife of the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon) recently concluded her world summit tours. The first continental-level event was held in January 2018 in Senegal, Africa, and the last in December in Kathmandu, Nepal.
The hallmark of these summits, as well as programs in Korea, Japan and America, was her proclamation that she is the only begotten daughter of God. She wanted to make this bold statement on the world stage and in front of heads of state and government as well as distinguished leaders in all fields.
Including both the first and last summits, eight sitting presidents, prime ministers and monarchs attended. Additionally, in the audiences were former heads of state and government, deputy prime ministers and vice presidents, government ministers, speakers, members of parliament, elected officials, other high-level dignitaries, along with eminent religious leaders. It was a collective victory for God by us all.
In announcing she is God’s daughter at these summits, True Mother is solving one of the most critical problems of our time. In societies around the world and throughout history, women have been raped, trafficked into prostitution, beaten at home, murdered, unwillingly impregnated, and forced into life-threatening abortions (mostly when the fetus in their womb was known to be female).
The solution to the way we mistreat women will never be fully addressed through the power of police, the number of prisons, the verdicts of courts, more laws, or even the fear of capital punishment. These have been tried but the problem remains unsolved.
The lasting solution is a fundamental change of attitude towards women, incorporated in a new heart and culture. We need something original and innovative; something never thought of or done before.
Dr. Robert S. Kittel (UTS ’94) is the international president of Youth and Students for Peace. He received a Master of Divinity degree from UTS in 1994 and his Ed.D. from the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut in 2004, specializing in family-value-based character education.. Since 1975 he has lived and worked primarily in South Asia, spending 10 years in Nepal, 2007-17.
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