Recent developments at UTS

Dear alumnae, alumni and friends of UTS,
Thank you for your prayerful support for Unification Theological Seminary over the last month. On January 5 and 6, a site-team from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), accompanied by our liaison to Middle States, visited Barrytown. The three member team had the mission to assess evidence that UTS is in compliance with the two remaining standards for which UTS was placed on probation. (Throughout this process, even while on probation, UTS has retained its accreditation, and I am confident that very soon the accreditation of our seminary will be affirmed.)
The next step in the process is for the Commissioners of Middle States to review the UTS monitoring report (submitted on December 1), the site-team report and its recommendations, and the UTS response to that report. This will take place on March 3 at a meeting of the Commission, where it will be determined whether UTS is in compliance with the following two standards that are under review:
Standard 3 (Institutional Resources)
Demonstration of the financial viability and sustainability of UTS as an institution of higher education.
Standard 14 (Assessment of Student Learning)
Implementation of a clear process for student outcomes assessment which demonstrates that upon graduation, students have obtained the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies.
The Middle States standards for accreditation are further explained in the Characteristics of Excellence which can be found on the MSCHE website:
The visiting team was very thorough. They met with UTS trustees, the president, faculty and administrative staff. The team members, who were all very capable and experienced in their fields, asked exacting questions and gave thoughtful advice to the leaders of UTS. Overall the visit went extremely well, and several positive recommendations were made by the team, which can be the basis for the confirmation of our compliance with the standards of Middle States and also for improvements that can lead to the continuing success of UTS.
Even though the outlook is optimistic and looks very positive, I ask you to maintain UTS in your prayers. I will let you know about the decision of the MSCHE as soon as I hear, most likely sometime after March 7.
Here at UTS we take very seriously our role in theological education, not only for Unificationists, but also for an increasingly broad student body from various faith traditions. Your ongoing prayerful and practical support can help UTS to fulfill its responsibility to provide leadership for America and the world.
Thank you,
Hugh Spurgin, Ph.D. (Class of 1977)
President, Unification Theological Seminary