Non-Profit Neighbors & Their Goals

During a recent two-day visit to NYC and the UTS Extension Center in New York City Cabot Peterson, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations for UTS, had the opportunity to visit some non-profit organizations in 4W43 Street that provide dedicated service and opportunities for people to volunteer, offering their time and talents to help others in need.
Cabot was able to visit several non-profits that are in the same building as the Unification Theological Seminary (UTS). In fact, the whole building at 4W43 is occupied by not-for-profit organizations: UTS shares the building with almost 40 not-for-profits and UTS is proud to be a graduate seminary in the middle of such an eclectic group. This situation gives UTS the chance to get to know these organizations, their employees, their volunteers, and their interns. UTS students may also find placements for field experience to meet the requirements for their graduate studies. This is especially true for students studying for the Master of Arts in Religious Studies (M.A.) where one of the four concentrations is in Non-Profit Leadership. 4W43 is a very rich non-profit environment upon which UTS can build future social networks.
Of the five organizations Cabot spoke with, two are dedicated to help individuals and families find housing; one provides food and clothing for the needy; another is dedicated to combatting violence against women worldwide; and, one is devoted to helping people find a closer relationship with God through music.
Housing + Solutions | NYDIS – New York Disaster Interfaith Service | IESS – Inner Enlightenment Spiritist Society | Breakthrough | Eckankar
In next week’s issue of UTS News, Cabot will begin a series of reports about how these groups operate, how they affect people in the New York City and around the world, and the opportunities for engagement with UTS.
Cabot Peterson (UTS'92) was appointed as Assistant Director of Alumni Relations for UTS in early December, 2016. He has been writing articles regularly for UTS News since mid-2015 and will work in the area of Alumni Outreach. He will also have responsibility for the Annual Fund, and continue to write articles for UTS news.