New Director of Enrollment Appointed

UTS is proud to announce that the current Director of Advancement and Communications, Mr. Robin Graham, will take on new responsibilities as the Director of Enrollment Management. Robin’s new title will be Director of Advancement and Enrollment Management.
Robin’s role in enrollment management will focus on initiatives that enhance student enrollment: recruitment, admissions, financial aid, retention and student life.
I have been impressed with Robin Graham’s drive and creativity. Although Robin and I have only been working together for a short time, Robin has emerged as an invaluable member of the UTS administration.
Enrollment Management is a relatively new term that has only recently found its place in higher education administrations. Enrollment management’s roots are in admissions, but has branched into strategies to locate, attract and retain the students that an institution wishes to attract and serve. Robin will supervise UTS recruitment admissions, financial aid, and student life.
There are currently many changes that affect enrollment management. Student demographics, financial circumstances, technological developments in teaching, advances in marketing and social media are all changing the face of theological education. Recognizing these changes, I saw the need to reorganize the UTS administration to adapt to new circumstances. The UTS trustees have welcomed the administrative change that is being made, and I am confident that UTS alumni and supporters will see many positive steps forward at UTS in the next three years.
I have been impressed with Robin Graham’s drive and creativity. Although Robin and I have only been working together for a short time, Robin has emerged as an invaluable member of the UTS administration. Dr. Hugh Spurgin, UTS President
Robin Graham is a trustworthy leader with excellent people skills. Robin has said, with a smile, that this is because of his roots as a “Geordie” – someone born and raised in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the North East of England, the “stormy northern lands.”
Robin has a BA in Economics from the University of Nottingham, UK and an MSc from New York University in Management of International Public Service Organizations. He graduated from UTS in 1980 with a certificate in religious education. Having worked part-time for UTS in Alumni Relations and Development 2003-2007, Robin rejoined the UTS staff in 2015. He has also published the Cornerstone newsletter for UTS alumni and friends every week since August 2010, on behalf of the UTS Alumni Association.
Since June 2015, Robin Graham has been Director of UTS Advancement and Communications, responsible for alumni relations, development and communications. Earlier this year UTS launched a new website, and is making steps forward in its social media. There has been an emphasis on articles about alumni with links highlighting their achievements and career paths after UTS. These are all developments under Robin’s leadership.

Photo: Robin and Patricia Graham visiting Mary Hapeman (center) in Shelburne Falls, MA. All graduated in the UTS Class of 1980
Building upon his undergraduate degree in economics, Robin’s entrepreneurial interests have been channeled into the field of social responsibility. Using research that he began for his capstone project at UTS in 1980,Robin and his wife, Patricia, founded the non-profit “Gemeinsam” (Together) in Germany in 1984. This was a student-led international development project in several African countries which helped foster responsibility and self-reliance. More recently, Robin designed and launched the program Play Soccer Make Peace for the World Association of Non-Profit Organizations (WANGO), and in 2014 founded the not-for-profit PEACE CLUB which continues similar work of promoting soccer as a vehicle for development and peace throughout the world.
Robin and Patricia, who is also from the UTS class of 1980, have four talented adult children.