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Fields Beyond Congregational Ministry

UTS administrators often attend Association of Theological Schools (ATS) events. Experience shows that it is important for UTS to stay current with the conversations which are part of the theological landscape in North America. UTS has affiliate status with ATS.

Robin James Graham, UTS Director of Advancement and Communication

Where else can they go, and what else can they do? Guiding MDiv graduates into fields other than congregational ministry

According to the latest findings from the 2015–2016 Graduating Student Questionnaire (Table 24: Position Expected after Graduation for MDiv Students) published by The Association of Theological Schools, roughly 35% of graduating MDiv students plan on pursuing a career direction other than religious leadership. Here, at Iliff, the percentage is almost 40%. 

I do have concerns, however, about this group because it’s this population of graduates who approach me every year with the questions “What else can I do? Where else can I go?” They’re smart, with plenty of talent, and are extremely knowledgeable about interpersonal relations and cultural dynamics. Yet not knowing what skills are transferable or what sectors would accept them, they often lack the wherewithal and the confidence for entering other employment venues. That’s where we as student advisors and career directors can provide assistance.

Continue reading… Where else can they go, and what else can they do? …

Packard N. Brown is Director, Career Services in the Office of Professional Formation at The Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado.