Dr. Andrew Wilson interviewed by ABC News 10 of Albany, NY

In an interview published December 31, 2022, reporter Tamara Starr of ABC News 10 in Albany, NY spoke with Dr. Andrew Wilson, Unification Theological Seminary’s Harvard-educated Professor of Scriptural Studies about the recent passing of Pope Benedict XVI at age 95.
Dr. Wilson recognized Pope Benedict XVI’s exceptional intellect, and described him as a theologian who played a key role in setting the direction for the Catholic church.
According to Dr. Wilson, Pope Benedict XVI affirmed traditional theology against liberalizing tendencies. As the first Pope to retire from his role as head of the Catholic church in 600 years, Benedict was able to maintain a conversation with Pope Francis although they did have some differences in their views and approaches.
“The fact that he and Pope Francis were in a good cordial relationship shows the power of faith to bridge ideological and theological differences,” he said.
The full ABC News 10 article can be found here. The YouTube recording of the interview is available here.