Creating a Scholarship Program

A question which keeps on coming up is about the financial challenges that students face when they enroll at UTS. There is a real need for financial assistance. This is true for foreign students coming to UTS as well as students coming from the USA. As we read the stories of UTS students like Emmanuel Ndupu, we realize that God’s love and passion is strong within them and like Emmanuel they are being called to ministry and to be of service to others.
UTS has started a scholarship program to allow alumni and friends of UTS to help our promising students.
Would you be willing to help somebody who has the passion and the ability but who lacks sufficient funding for their education? A named scholarship can be created by giving $100 per month or a (one-time) yearly gift of $1200. It could be in memory of someone close to you, or reflect your own personal commitment to the academic foundation needed for successful ministry.
Would you consider making a donation today? Your gift may make all the difference to a person hoping to be equipped with knowledge and experience at UTS, giving them the tools to go out and share God’s love and truth with the world. That hope could become a reality. If this opportunity to make a difference resonates with you, please respond below.
UTS begins the Divinity Scholarship Fund asking our donors to support 5 scholarship awards of $1200 for students who are studying for a Master of Divinity degree which is the 3-year professional program designed for students who are preparing for church leadership, youth ministry, campus ministry, interfaith ministry, pastoral care and social justice ministries. It is also the academic requirement for application to the Doctor of Ministry degree program
The UTS Development Office is also responding to inquiries from alumni and friends who are exploring the possibility to leave a legacy in the form of a permanent endowment, with scholarship funding being awarded from the interest earned. Scholarships would be awarded annually according to the description of the scholarship e.g. it could be for a student taking a specific UTS degree; or to a student coming from a certain area of the world; or to a student interested in, say, youth ministry.
A scholarship endowment is typically for larger donations which will be protected for that purpose. If $50,000 is in the endowment and the rate of interest earned is 5%, then annually $2,500 would be the scholarship fund awarded.
You may be interested to put a large sum in an endowment while you are still in good health. This may qualify as a charitable deduction for tax purposes. On the other hand, perhaps you are thinking to make a bequest of a portion of your estate to UTS in a scholarship endowment. It is strongly recommended that professional advice be sought when making decisions about estate planning.
If an amount of $10,000 or more is something you would like to contribute to a UTS scholarship endowment, then please contact the UTS Development Office at 845-752-3000 Ext 220 or