Responsible Executive: Library Director
Responsible Office: Academic Unit
Effective Date:5/8/2011
Last Reviewed:9/19/2023
HJ International Graduate School for Peace and Public Leadership (“HJI” or the “Institution”)holds the following Policy in compliance with the Copyright Law of theUnited States (Title 17, U.S. Code), the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)of 1998, and the Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act(TEACH) of 2002.
This Policy applies to all students, faculty, and staff.
A. Copying and Printing
The following notice is displayed on copy machines, printers, and scanners in the Library to alert users about compliance with the Copyright Law.
It is permissible for students to make a single copy of a portion of copyrighted material for personal study, research, and other academic purposes without permission. Photocopying a whole book or making multiple copies of a portion of the copyrighted material requires permission from the copyright holder. Illegal copying is strictly prohibited.
B. Online Course Reserves
In compliance with the TEACH Act of 2002, instructors can post a portion of copyright-protected material under the following conditions.
- Access to the material is restricted to students enrolled in a particular course during the period the course is taught.
- All items must have a complete bibliographic citation.
C. Online Access
The Library provides access to the online database through contractual agreements with database vendors. Access is restricted to HJI students, faculty, and staff.
D. Reporting and Penalties
Anyone who finds a copyright infringement should report to the Library Director. The Library Director examines the case and reports the findings to the Provost. HJI administration determines the penalty.