Changing educational models & practices

UTS administrators often attend Association of Theological Schools (ATS) events. Experience shows that it is important for UTS to stay current with the conversations which are part of the theological landscape in North America.
Seeking to keep our UTS stakeholders aware of those conversations UTS News presents alumni and friends with an article on the ATS Biennial which identifies two major themes in their June, 2016 conference: “the need to tend to issues of race and ethnicity and the changing educational models and practices that will come to define theological education in the years to come.”
Robin James Graham, UTS Director of Advancement and Communication
Biennial Meeting program highlights race/ethnicity issues and changing educational models and practices
Daniel Aleshire, ATS executive director, opened the meeting with an address in which he lifted up both themes. “A part of our calling as religious and educational leaders is to face the challenges of our day and to see in them our calling to develop new strategies, rework systems, and build structures that will serve this moment and the next,” he said. “Our task is to use equal parts of realism and hope to innovate and preserve our way into the future.”
Continue reading….Biennial Meeting program highlights
Eliza Smith Brown is Director, Communications and External Relations for The Association of Theological Schools in Pittsburgh