May 18, 2016 40 Years and Counting: Graduation 2016 BARRYTOWN – On Saturday May 28, Unification Theological Seminary will host its 40th commencement ceremony at its campus in Barrytown, NY, overlooking the majestic Hudson River. Along with family, friends […]
May 11, 2016 “Divine New York …” How religions have shaped the greatest city in the world, the Empire City The new UTS website was launched at the beginning of April, and the response to the new […]
May 11, 2016 Support the Seminary Wherever there is the front line then you will find UTS alumnae and alumni. UTS Alumni are active in 65+ countries. This has happened in just 40 years. UTS was […]
May 04, 2016 Nature Club’s Spring Cleanup through the Years In 2005 Scenic Hudson, the non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and restoring the Hudson River and the Hudson River Valley, challenged local villages and hamlets along the river to conduct […]
May 04, 2016 Catching Up with Eric Bobrycki (UTS ’84) Born, raised and educated in upstate New York, Eric Bobrycki ( UTS ’84) has been working since 1979 as an educator and youth developer. Eric has focused on promoting the […]
April 29, 2016 A World Class Sunday School Curriculum This curriculum was the result of many years of continuous effort. I never planned it from the beginning. There was the immediate need to create a lesson each Sunday. A […]
April 29, 2016 Great Trails at UTS in Barrytown If you’ve ever driven through the Red Hook hamlet of Barrytown, there’s a chance that you’ve come across a mysterious, sprawling estate surrounding a brick edifice bearing the name “Saint […]
April 29, 2016 Barrytown students: The Transition to UB Barrytown College of UTS, an undergraduate program of UTS was suspended in May 2015 due to a variety of financial and institutional issues, including the failure of the program to […]
April 29, 2016 Islam in America: A Forum in a Jewish Temple KINGSTON – Religion in itself is hard to understand and often harder to explain, even for those of the same belief. Now imagine the challenge of trying to explain a […]