Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program
Associate Professor of Ministry and Conflict Resolution
Dr. Drissa Kone is currently an associate professor of conflict resolution and ministry at HJ International Graduate School for Peace and Public Leadership. Dr. Kone teaches varieties of courses in ministry and peace such as Diplomacy and faith diplomacy, Leadership and congregational development, Islam, ecumenism and interfaith, restorative and transitional Justice, spiritual formation and integration, formation, and self-care for peace professionals etc…
Dr. Kone has published several...
Kaufmann, Frank
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Interfaith Ministry
Dr. Frank Kaufmann is president of the Values in Knowledge Foundation, editor in chief of New World Encyclopedia, director of the Inter Religious Federation for World Peace, executive vice president of PrayerSpark, and columnist on religion and government at various online media.
Dr. Kaufmann’s work for peace includes consultations with governments and efforts in over 65 countries with successes in conflict ridden environments. His peace missions include Israel and Palestine, refugee camps in Croatia, the Eritrea-Ethiopia border, Hindu-Muslim...
Hendricks, Tyler O.
Professor Emeritus of Church History
Dr. Tyler Hendricks graduated from HJI in 1978, and completed his Masters and Doctoral degrees in religion at Vanderbilt University. In addition to serving as President of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in the United States, Dr. Hendricks served as a senior pastor in the New Jersey, Tarrytown, Manhattan and Boston Unification communities.
In the mid-nineties, Dr. Hendricks developed and led the True Family Values Ministry, a Bible-based ecumenical ministry that explores how God works through the family. He authored curricula including...
David, Jacob
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministerial Studies and Homiletics
The Rev. Dr. Jacob David is St. David’s, Cranbury Priest Associate. He and his wife, Shanta, moved to Dayton, NJ after retiring from the Diocese of Newark in 2011. They became members of St. David’s Episcopal Church in 2012. Before joining St. David’s, he held the position of Rector of Episcopal church of St. Paul’s and Resurrection, Wood-Ridge, NJ for 28 years.
Fr. Jacob was ordained a Deacon in 1984 and to the Priesthood in 1985 for the Diocese of Newark. He served at the Church of the Resurrection in...
Curry, Mari
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry
Dr. Mari Curry has served in some form of ministry for over 15 years at various levels from local church as a ministry leader and later as a pastor, to the National Level as the vice President of the Unification Church. Her entire life has been focused on following God’s guidance and serving her larger community. Currently she serves as the President of the Research Institute for the Integration of World Thought (RIIWT). This organization was established “to encourage academic research on fundamental philosophical issues in a way that is both non-sectarian...
Chesnavage, Charles
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Religious Education
Dr. Chesnavage brings a wealth of interreligious experience to HJI. He graduated from Fordham University Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education. His dissertation was entitled, “Principles from Inculturation As A Key to Interreligious Prayer: Being Religiously Revelatory and Educative in a Diverse World.” For the past nineteen years he facilitated the Annual Interreligious Prayer Service for Peace and Justice Celebratory World Interfaith Harmony.
He has been an Adjunct Professor at Mercy University since 2018 teaching World Religions,...
Brown, Ronald
Adjunct Professor in World Religions
Dr. Ronald Brown has lived for extended periods of time in various countries of the world and experienced most world religions first hand. He spent five years in Jerusalem, seven years in Geneva, Switzerland, five years in Boston, as well as one year each in Budapest, Prague, Paris, Moscow and Mexico City. Furthermore, he resided for periods of several months in China, Indonesia, Senegal, Cameroon, Peru, Egypt and Haiti. Presently and for over 24 years, Dr. Brown has resided in New York City.
In addition to teaching world religions at HJI, Dr. Brown teaches...
Boyd, Steven
Steven Boyd is Dean of Enrollment Management & Student Life at HJI. For over 20 years he has specialized in strategic marketing and student recruitment in higher education, both in the U.S. and abroad. Mr. Boyd previously served as Director of International Admissions at the University of Bridgeport and Executive Director of Graduate and International Admissions at the University of New Haven.
Prior to entering the field of higher education, he and his family lived in Latin America for 20 years where he and his wife served as missionaries. He also worked as a teacher, simultaneous interpreter,...