2023 Research Day: UTS Faculty and Students Recognized for Recent Scholarship in Religion, Science, Peace, and Diplomacy

On Saturday, April 22, Unification Theological Seminary recognized the winners of the Research Day competition, in which current seminary students, as well as faculty, were invited to prepare an academic poster or visual description of a research project that they were currently pursuing.
Following a warm welcome by Steven Boyd, Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Life, UTS Provost Dr. Thomas Ward highlighted the work of key figures who have made valuable contributions to the Unification community and beyond, representing UTS as a home of thought.
The judges of the competition included Dr. James Fleming, Charles A. Dana Professor of Science, Technology, and Society, Emeritus, at Colby College; Professor William Lay, attorney and Former Director of the School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Bridgeport; Mrs. Lynn Walsh, UTS Adjunct Lecturer; and Dr. Thomas Walsh, UTS President.
Dr. Fleming gave the keynote address introducing the work of James Croll, the 19th Century self-educated scientist who pioneered research and a theory of Climate change, which Fleming has studied extensively. Dr. Fleming combined his compelling analysis of James Croll’s contribution to scientific thought with a personal reflection on the ways in which today’s scholars can find ways to collaborate with scholars of the past, and in particular, with those who have been liberated and blessed.
Professor William Lay introduced the faculty finalists and announced Dr. Michael Mickler, UTS Distinguished Professor of Historical Studies, as the winner of the faculty competition.
Professor Lynn Walsh introduced the student finalists and announced Savjola Konja, a student in the Master of Arts in Religious Studies Program, as the winner of the student competition.
You can watch the full event here.